Thursday, April 30, 2009
We have today erotic romance author from Ravenous Romance Angela Cameron being an author guest blogger. I met her through Keta Diablo who writes for Ravenous Romance as well and I had a great time interviewing Angela that I got to know her and her writing better. But that is not all because I have had the pleasure of reading and reviewing both her RR books in her Blood & Sex series. I also had the pleasure of hosting Angela Cameron's day on the Ravenous Romance Blog Tour last Tuesday where I learned so much. You can read the reviews that I wrote for the first and second book in her Blood & Sex series called Blood & Sex, Vol. 1: Michael and Blood & Sex, Vol. 2: Jonas. Leave your comments and questions because Angela Cameron will be stopping by to answer any that you leave in the comments section. Now for her guest blog:
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The Blood and Sex series started with Michael and Tori. The characters came first, and the story developed slowly while I was working on BDSM research. Even though it came in bits, it only took a couple of months to write from concept to finish. There was extensive rewriting because Michael had a definite way that he wanted the story to go, and Tori had an idea of her own. Then, Ravenous required further rewrites. It wasn’t until Lori Perkins said that this was a mafia style group that the final concept was cemented. I’d written it that way, but I hadn’t quite put my finger on what the unique angle was. I just knew that something about it appealed to me. After she said that, the final details fell into place. It’s been such a blast, but also so challenging to write the series. While the guys all have certain similarities, they are so very different and require plenty of attention. The most challenging has been Jonas, just because he wants to be front and center in everything.

* * * * *

BLOOD & SEX, VOL. 1: MICHAEL by Angela Cameron $ 4.24 (Book 1)(171 Pages)
A totally original—and spinechillingly sexy—tale of a vampire Mafia and the detective who is determined to bring it to justice… Detective Victoria Tyler is investigating Collins Bay’s new serial killer, a vampire. If that wasn’t tough enough, she has to go in as a human who’s marked to be killed or conquered since her fiancé tried to make her his first meal and exposed their secrets. So, she’ll need a guardian to venture into their world. With most of them aching for a chance to take her, Michael, the enforcer for the Italian vampiro cosca, may be her only hope for survival—even if she hasn’t spoken to him since that night she almost killed him for good. Of course, Michael agrees, but he has an agenda of his own. He always does, and it generally involves getting her into his bed. More than once, his blood magic has almost made her one of his blood slaves. Still, risking it all, Tori agrees to let him take her neck and lead her on a journey through a world of bondage, domination, and blood to find the killer. But can she resist the dark lusts Michael sparks? Or will Tori’s weakness get someone else killed? Warning: This book contains blazing sensuality, tie-me-up sex, and a bossy hero who knows how to use his fangs! Get a copy of Blood & Sex, Vol. 1: Michael now. You can also find Angela Cameron at her website, her blog, MySpace, Facebook and Twitter.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I had the wonderful opportunity of getting to know Angela Cameron through Keta Diablo who is also published with Ravenous Romance like Angela. I helped Angela Cameron get set up on the Ravneous Romance Authors blog and even hosted her day on my blog from the RR Book Blog TourI was so happy that she contacted me about review the first two books in her Blood & Sex series because I love paranormal romances with vampires especially since they are Italian vampire cosca. After reading and falling in love with the character's in the first book of her series called, Blood & Sex, Vol. 1: Michael, I was very much looking forward to reading more about this amazing new world that Angela has created. After interviewing Angela yesterday and learning about her writing as well as finding out that Laurell K. Hamilton is one of her favorite authors and who in the process inspired her to write her Blood & Sex series I was doubly excited about reading this book. This second book starts with Jonas Luciano being the in a new position as Michael's right hand man and he is now the new owner of The Dungeon, a newly renovated, vampire-themed bondage and blood club.
He also has his hands full protecting Michael, the new padrone of the Italian vampiro cosca in Collins Bay, Florida. He is also perfectly content to carry out Michael's orders and scramble the brain of anyone who threatens their safety because Michael is his blood brother who is practically the only family he has. But protecting Tori, Michael's drop-dead sexy new compagna, is proving dangerous to his self-control because his lust becomes more powerful every night he is with her. Tori also has an attraction to Jonas that she has tried to get over because she's deeply in love with Michael but their is a problem. Jonas and Tori share a blood bond with Michael that brings that attraction to the surface even though they know and feel that it's wrong to let it come out. I think that all Jonas really needs to get over Tori is for him to find a compagna of his own to claim so that he can finally move on with his life and finally feel what Michael and Tori have with one another. That starts to change when at his new club, The Dungeon, Jonas meets a woman who is so different from all the other females he has ever met because he has this attraction to her he really can't explain.
Dr. Elena Jensen is an immunohematologist with DIACorp, the world's leading medical research facility and is in the process of making ready all the culminate of her life's work. She's on the eve of a speech to announce the groundbreaking discovery of a new immune system booster for humans that will revolutionize the medical industry and the lives of every human on earth. That is where Jonas comes in because the Italian vampiro cosca wants to get to Elena and her forumla before someone else can get to her and use it against them. Elena and Jonas's worlds couldn't be farther apart but when the Council discovers a plot to kidnap Elena and the formula, Jonas jumps at the chance to become her guardian angel and get away from his family. Now this is one great follow up to the first book because this world that Angela has greated just get so much more intriguing as the characters start to come alive with their own stories being revealed piece by piece. I like Jonas in the first novel so it was really a pleasure getting to know him so much better and read how he finally finds his compagna in Elena. There were so many plot twists and hot, steamy sex scenes throughout this novel that I couldn't stop reading this novel until I practically finished it in less than 12 hours after starting it. I really want to read more in this series because Angela mentioned in her interview that she might write more novels in her Blood & Sex series. So Angela please write more about the wonderful characters from this Italian vampiro cosca who want their love stories told to everyone. I give this book 4.5 Open Books:
Here is the description of the book from Angela's website and picture:
BLOOD & SEX, VOL. 2: JONAS by Angela Cameron $ 4.24 (Book 2)(202 Pages) Jonas Luciano is the new owner of The Dungeon, a newly renovated, vampire-themed bondage and blood club. He also has his hands full protecting Michael, the new padrone of the Italian vampiro cosca in Collins Bay, Florida. He is perfectly content to carry out Michael's orders and scramble the brain of anyone who threatens their safety. But protecting Tori, Michael's drop-dead sexy new compagna, is proving dangerous to his self-control. His lust becomes more powerful every night he is with her... Dr. Elena Jensen is an immunohematologist with DIACorp, the world's leading medical research facility. Poised to culminate her life's work, she's on the eve of a speech to announce the groundbreaking discovery of a new immune system booster for humans that will revolutionize the medical industry (and the lives of every human on earth). Elena and Jonas's worlds couldn't be farther apart. But when the Council discovers a plot to kidnap Elena and the formula, Jonas jumps at the chance to become her guardian angel and get away from his family. Will Jonas manage to protect Elena from the Bureau without breaking the Alleanza? Or will Elena's obstinacy be enough to drive the dominating beast out of the shadows?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
We have today erotic romance author from Ravenous Romance Angela Cameron being interviewed by me. I met her through Keta Diablo who writes for Ravenous Romance as well and I had a great time interviewing Angela that I got to know her and her writing better. But that is not all because I have had the pleasure of reading and reviewing both her RR books in her Blood & Sex series. I also had the pleasure of hosting Angela Cameron's day on the Ravenous Romance Blog Tour last Tuesday where I learned so much. You can find the review for the first book in her Blood & Sex series called Blood & Sex, Vol. 1: Michael and you should also keep a look out for the reviews for the second book in her series Blood & Sex, Vol. 2: Jonas. Also Angela will be guest blogging about her first book in her Blood & Sex series on Thursday, April 30th so come back to read about how she came up with the first book in the series. Leave your comments and questions because Angela Cameron will be stopping by to answer any that you leave in the comments section. Now for the interview:

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Phoebe Jordan: When did you know that writing erotic romance was going to be the thing that you would do with your life? Which author inspired you to start writing romance?

Angela Cameron: *laughing* It takes me a while to figure out some things. For the erotic romance issue, I didn’t realize that this was what I was going to do until I was already doing it. I didn’t really know what I was writing when I started down this road. I came at it from the urban fantasy angle, Laurell K. Hamilton and Anne Rice having been my favorites at that point. So, I just wrote the story the way that I wanted, and it was too steamy for certain publishers. One thing led to another, and here I am—an erotic romance writer.

Phoebe: Did you know what type of erotic romance you wanted to write about or did you experiment with different genres before you chose the one that you felt was for you?

Angela: I always knew that I wanted to write about the paranormal. It’s my passion. I just fell into a crack between horror, suspense, and erotic romance. I write a little of all three, but I finally chose to accentuate the romance line in the books last year because the love story became the most fascinating aspect for me.

Phoebe: What was the first fiction you ever wrote? And do you still have it with you?

Angela: I started writing from a young age. But I didn’t write a full novel until about four years ago. Oh, I still have the story. *grins* In fact, I’ve been thinking of finishing it up now that I know what I’m doing. It’s a bit more of a horror novel, a vampire fiction, of course. I think it’s still my favorite, too.

Phoebe: How much research do you have to do for your novels and does it take you a long time to gather that research?

Angela: It depends on the novel, Blood & Sex, Vol. 3, which takes place in Venice. That’s taking a good bit of extra research. Otherwise, the research usually goes along pretty quickly. I’m finding that I have a talent—an intuitive skill—for finding things.

Phoebe: How did you come up with the concept for your latest novel Blood & Sex Vol. 1: Michael, which is part of your Blood & Sex series?

Angela: Michael came to me first, with Tori along for the ride. He sort of appeared when I was doing research for a BDSM article. From there, the story grew organically, with both main characters trying to have their own story. It sort of wrote itself really.

Phoebe: How did you come up with the concept for your latest novel Blood & Sex Vol. 2: Jonas, which is part of your Blood & Sex series?

Angela: Jonas was a little different. He loves to be in the spotlight and have his way. *laughs* His basic story came along naturally, but I had to work hard to keep him on track. If he’d his way, the entire series would be about him. I don’t think any of us want to spend quite that much time in Jonas’s dungeon though.

Phoebe: How did you come up with the concept for your Blood & Sex series and how many more books do you think will you be writing for that series?

Angela: It all started with Michael. I thought that he was going to be one book. Then, when Lori Perkins mentioned a series (and the title), the world just exploded with characters jumping forward to tell their stories. I don’t know that I’ll ever write all the stories, but the day I sat down to sketch up basic ideas for the trilogy, the guys stepped up to give me ideas for seven books. I stopped writing them down after the seventh, but every guy in Collins Bay wants a story written about him. Even characters that aren’t introduced in the trilogy have torrid stories to tell.

Phoebe: How do you come up with each of your characters for your novels? How do you choose their names out of so many names out there?

Angela: I can’t really take credit for it. It’s like they’re already people in my imagination who tell me who they are. I know that it sounds pompous, but it’s the truth. I just write it down. The only thing that isn’t quite that way is the names. I go through lists of names based on their origin, time period, etc. Then, the character pictures the name. I’ve tried choosing names that I liked, but it never feels right, and I have to go back to what they want.

Phoebe: Do you have a favorite character that you really enjoyed writing about in your Blood & Sex series? Did you have a character that you felt you could really relate to in your Blood & Sex series?

Angela: I really enjoyed Jonas. He’s sort of that bad boy that you can’t help but love—especially when he’s trying to coax you into doing things that you know you shouldn’t do. I think that’s why he is still so distracting. The character I relate to the most. Hmmm. In some ways, I think that’s Elena. I think like her on the most basic levels. She has my practical nature. But I also relate to Tori’s spunk. She’s actually named for my younger cousin Torie Cody, who has that same fiery personality that the women in my family share. So, she feels very familiar to me.

Phoebe: Do you have a process of how you start to write your novels?

Angela: The basic idea comes to me. Then, through research and brainstorming, a skeletal plot is born. From there, I write with the layers coming together during the process.

Phoebe: Which do you like best, writing a series or writing stand alone novels? How is writing each different for you?

Angela: I think I was born to write series stories. It’s how I think. They’re not just one little idea. It’s a whole world with a history that stretches out long before and after my arrival. Even the short story “Return to Wynd” that is in the upcoming Rekindled anthology at Ravenous has become a series in my mind. Wynd is a witch with brothers who are just as fascinating to me as he is, and it’s those worlds that keep me restraining myself, trying to hold back the books that want to flow out of me day and night.

Phoebe: What process did you have to go through to get your first book published and did it take you long?

Angela: I don’t think my process was as bad as many other writers. I didn’t try very hard to have my first story published (the one I’m thinking of reworking). So, I do have a stack of rejections, but the first long story I really submitted was the novella Nocturne. I sent it to one house before Drollerie, and it was rejected with a note to resubmit something else because they loved my characterization and plot skills. The first novel I published was Blood & Sex, Vol. 1: Michael. I sent it to that first house I mentioned, who never responded. The next house (Ravenous) bought it.

Phoebe: Do you ever get writers block? What do you do to get rid of it so you can get back to writing your novels?

Angela: I get it in weird spurts. I’m finding that when something’s wrong with the story, I can’t write until I figure out what it is. I do all sorts of things to break through it. Sometimes walking, sitting in carpool, or watching movies works. Other times, I have to just write something else, like journal entries by the characters to make the story flow.

Phoebe: What is your biggest reader pet peeve, if you have any? (stock characters, unresolved endings, predictability, everything wrapped up hurriedly in the end, etc.)

Angela: Unresolved endings and predictability are two of my main gripes. I never liked to watch shows with “To Be Continued” at the end, and I don’t like for books to end that way either. Predictable books are a little less annoying, but adding stock characters puts it right up in that top slot. One of the latest annoyances for me was the anticlimactic ending of the Twilight series. I was able to overlook the other flaws, but that one had me fuming for days.

Phoebe: Which aspects of writing do you enjoy the most and why? And what is your biggest writing pet peeve? (overuse of exclamation points, adverbs, bad guys named Wayne, etc.), if you have any?

Angela: I love the beginnings, the actual writing when I’m discovering everything that way that first time readers do. The characters are new and that period of discovery is what keeps me typing away in the middle of the night.

Phoebe: What is the one writing tool can you not live without?

Angela: Pen and paper. I know that it’s probably archaic in the digital world, but when the story won’t come out in the convenient Word program, a pen and a legal pad in the middle of the night will turn out my best work. If it weren’t for the annoyance of having to retype the whole thing, I’d write all of my first drafts longhand. Somehow, the story just flies out that way.

Phoebe: How do you handle your writing schedule and your personal life without going insane?

Angela: Who says I’m not insane? *laughing* I don’t think anyone’s accused me of being sane lately, especially my husband.

Phoebe: What do you do to relax after having spent a long while writing? Do you have any hobbies?

Angela: Writing is my relaxation. But editing is a whole different monster. If it begins to overwhelm me, I start to bake anything and everything or ride around with the windows down and the music up.

Phoebe: Is there any advice that you would give to an aspiring romance writer that you wish someone had given you?

Angela: Don’t listen to all the advice that other authors give you. I’ve been through a degree program, read tons of books about writing, joined all sorts of writing groups, attended cons, and talked with lots of writers. Everything you need to know about writing is in On Writing by Stephen King and The Elements of Style. If you want to write erotic romance, read Angela Knight’s Passionate Ink. While a lot of writers will give you some excellent advice, more will give you crappy advice because the authors who really know what they’re talking about are often too busy in their own careers to help. The one exception to this is local writing groups, but even they have to be taken with the proverbial grain of salt.

Phoebe: Are there any writing tips, research tips, promotion and marketing tips that you would give to an aspiring romance writer that you wish someone had given you?

Angela: Don’t be afraid to get your name out there and network before you have a book out. It will only make your life that much easier once the first book does come out. Don’t get so caught up with promotion and marketing that the work slips. It’s simple, I know, but so many writers work on promotion when their careers could be better served by just writing. I’ve been guilty of it myself before.

Phoebe: Do you have a favorite genre you like to read? Who is your favorite author(s)?

Angela: Right now, I’m reading a combination of paranormal romance, young adult paranormal romance, and horror. I recently added the YA fiction as research for a novel I’m working on under my real name with my daughter. The others are just my long time favorites. I love several authors, but my main favorites right now are Stephen King, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Anne Rice.

Phoebe: What are you reading now? And what do you plan to read after that?

Angela: I’m reading Elle Amery’s Saving Sophie, and I plan to read Charlaine Harris’s Dead Until Dark.

Phoebe: Well thank you Angela for taking time from your busy writing schedule to be interviewed. I had a blast asking and reading your answer to my questions.

Angela: Thanks so much for chatting with me, Phoebe!

BOUND TO PLEASE by Lilli Feisty FROM FANTASY TO ECSTASY Ruby Scott is a beautiful, quiet event planner who leads an oh-so-respectable life. Yet the things that go on in her secret fantasies are anything but. She has every intention of keeping her hidden desires under wraps-until she meets a gorgeous, hard-muscled man ten years her junior. Mark St. Crow is a gifted, up-and-coming musician who collects erotic art and loves to "play" women as much as his piano. After one night of uninhibited passion, Ruby realizes there's no turning back. But as she surrenders to her deepest needs and lets Mark control every forbidden thrill, her passion for him builds. Can the wild, intoxicating nights they share lead to a love that will last forever? Barnes & Noble Powell's Amazon

On The Prowl by Crystal Jordan

ON THE PROWL by Crystal Jordan Meet the Cruz brothers. They look human—except for the golden sheen their eyes take when they're aroused beyond control...and the way their claws come out when it's time to play rough. They're Panthers, ancient shapeshifters, and their survival depends on mating to bring out their wild sides... Undeniable When Antonio, the strong, sexy new leader of the Panther pride, meets luscious Solana in a dark alleyway, their passion lights up the night. But she's an outcast, an impossible mate—and her touch makes him lose all control... Irresistible Ex-model and businesswoman Andrea doesn't need anyone—until she meets Miguel, who tempts her mind with daring games and teases her body with dark, forbidden pleasure she can't resist... Indescribable Wild twins Ricardo and Diego do everything together—and their women appreciate the teamwork. Until shy Isabel takes refuge in their pride, and both want to claim her. Of course, sometimes two mates are better than one... Places to get it on the web: Barnes & Noble Powell's Amazon

Monday, April 27, 2009
I had the wonderful opportunity of getting to know Angela Cameron through Keta Diablo who is also published with Ravenous Romance like Angela. I helped Angela Cameron get set up on the Ravneous Romance Authors blog and even hosted her day on my blog from the RR Book Blog Tour. I was so happy that she contacted me about review the first two books in her Blood & Sex series because I love paranormal romances with vampires especially since they are Italian vampire cosca. Now the story begins with Detective Victoria Tyler investigating Collins Bay’s new serial killer which turns out to be a vampire and that is going to be very hard to prove in order to catch the killer. If that wasn’t tough enough, she has to go in as a human who’s marked to be killed or conquered since her fiancé tried to make her his first meal and exposed their secrets. So, she’ll need a guardian to venture into their world because without one to help her she may not stay alive for long.
With most of them aching for a chance to take her, Michael, the enforcer for the Italian vampiro cosca, may be her only hope for survival—even if she hasn’t spoken to him since that night she almost killed him for good. Of course, Michael agrees, but he has an agenda of his own like he always does, and it generally involves getting her into his bed because more than once, his blood magic has almost made her one of his blood slaves. Still, risking it all, Tori agrees to let him take her neck and lead her on a journey through a world of bondage, domination, and blood to find the killer. This is a hot, sexy and exciting start to what I believe is going to be one series readers should read or miss out on getting to know such intriguing characters that will keep you guessing from start to finish. I love the character Tori because she so reminds me of Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake, which is a series of books that I love reading very much because you really never know what's going to happen next for the characters.
Michael is one sexy Italian vampire who really has me drooling at times throughout the novel and making me wish I were in Tori's place half the time. Reading this first book really got me very interesting in Angela Cameron's series and very excited to read more about Jonas who gets his own love story told next. For this being Angela's first published novel I have to say she did an amazing job of really getting the reader intrigued with all the characters no matter how important they are to the main plot. Angela Cameron delievers a start to an exciting, sexy, steamy series about Italian vampires and their love stories that will keep you wanting more even after the story ends. I give this book 4.5 Open Books:
Here is the description of the book from Angela's website and picture:
BLOOD & SEX, VOL. 1: MICHAEL by Angela Cameron $ 4.24 (Book 1)(171 Pages) A totally original—and spinechillingly sexy—tale of a vampire Mafia and the detective who is determined to bring it to justice… Detective Victoria Tyler is investigating Collins Bay’s new serial killer, a vampire. If that wasn’t tough enough, she has to go in as a human who’s marked to be killed or conquered since her fiancé tried to make her his first meal and exposed their secrets. So, she’ll need a guardian to venture into their world. With most of them aching for a chance to take her, Michael, the enforcer for the Italian vampiro cosca, may be her only hope for survival—even if she hasn’t spoken to him since that night she almost killed him for good. Of course, Michael agrees, but he has an agenda of his own. He always does, and it generally involves getting her into his bed. More than once, his blood magic has almost made her one of his blood slaves. Still, risking it all, Tori agrees to let him take her neck and lead her on a journey through a world of bondage, domination, and blood to find the killer. But can she resist the dark lusts Michael sparks? Or will Tori’s weakness get someone else killed? Warning: This book contains blazing sensuality, tie-me-up sex, and a bossy hero who knows how to use his fangs!

Sunday, April 26, 2009
I found Kathryn Caskie through the Romance Novel TV forum, which is no longer available now because they decided to use blogging instead, and when I went to her website I read about her Royle Sisters Trilogy. I instantly knew that I had to find those books and read them. Well I went to the Barnes & Noble website and found that the first book in the series was not in the bookstore close to me but the second and third were. So I decided to buy them online instead so I would get them all together. I'm glad that I bought them because they are great books that I enjoyed reading. I like reading historical romances especially when they involve a big mystery having to do with historical figures but twisted around to make it believable even though its not. This series is about triplet sisters who maybe the actual "secret" daughters of the prince regent of England and there is also so much scandal and mystery intangled with this story that the sisters feel that they have to find out. Mary Royle is the oldest of the triplets and the one that has chosen the man she is going to marry now that they are in England searching for titled gentlemen to marry.
Why is the notorious Duke of Blackstone ruining Mary’s well-laid plans to marry his brother, the handsome Viscount Wetherly? Well that is a understandable question because Mary has really set her mind to marry Rogan's, Duke of Blackstone, brother after seeing him at the park various times. Every time she turns a corner, he is there—tantalizing her, teasing her…and the more she tries to ignore him, the more insistent he becomes. Rogan has a plan that he has set in motion to save his brother from marrying a title hungry Mary even though he hasn't gotten to know her well enough to pass any judgments. Mary knows she must make an advantageous marriage, but survey Blackstone is the wrong man for her...isn’t he? Well while Mary is wondering why Rogan doesn't want her marrying his brother Rogan is puttin his plan to work because he is not about to let his brother become bewitched by some wily blueblood pretender…even one as deliciously tempting as Mary. But until she came along, no woman has ever resisted his smooth well-practiced seductions so could it be that he’s actually fallen in love with this infuriating chit.
Well Mary and Rogan's journey to falling in love is a very entertaining story because they are such strong, independent and stubborn people who want something and will do what they must to achieve it. The Royle secret about the triplets possibly being princesses and the supposed daughters of the Prince Regent gives this series a very exciting twist that I really enjoyed find more about. I really enjoyed getting to know Mary Royle because as the oldest triplet she feels responsible for her younger sisters and wants to make a titled marriage so they could have doors to the ton opened to them. I think Rogan is just the man for Mary because even though he is thought of as a blackhearted rogue deep down he is a decent gentleman in search of the woman who is out there waiting for him. I really got into this novel and I had fun getting to know Mary's younger sisters Anne and Elizabeth that when I finished reading this novel I was looking forward to reading the next book in the series. I give this book 3.5 Open Books:
Here is the description of the book from the back cover and picture:
HOW TO SEDUCE A DUKE $ 6.99 (Book 1)(340 Pages)
What happens when London’s most scandalous duke decides to seduce a proper young lady?
Who are the Royle sisters? All of London is gossiping about the beautiful triplets who’ve taken the ton by storm. Their slightly scandalous behavior is the subject of gossip and it’s whispered that they may be the “secret” daughters of the highest prince in the land…As for the oldest, Mary, she certainly has learned…
Why is the notorious Duke of Blackstone ruining Mary’s well-laid plans to marry his brother, the handsome Viscount Wetherly? Every time she turns a corner, he is there—tantalizing her, teasing her…and the more she tries to ignore him, the more insistent he becomes. Mary knows she must make an advantageous marriage, but survey Blackstone is the wrong man for her. Isn’t he?
Blackstone is not about to let his brother become bewitched by some wily blueblood pretender…even one as deliciously tempting as Mary. But until she came along, no woman has ever resisted his smooth well-practiced seductions. Could it be that he’s actually fallen in love with this infuriating chit?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Diamonds and Kisses

Diamonds and Kisses by Amy Redwood Emma, a emerging singer, is the opening act for a diamond exhibition in Hong Kong. Life is good, or so she thinks, until she locks lips with a handsome stranger. From that moment on, she risks her career, relationship and heart to be with him. Jack has to steal the world's largest red diamond. Only for luck--he needs some badly--does he kiss the Irish redhead he meets during the flight to Hong Kong. A kiss seriously gone wrong, because she tastes like cherries and feels like forever. Jack isn't a forever guy. Besides, he has to take down the power grid in Hong Kong, steal the diamond and rid himself of the daughter of the head of a Chinese triad. Jack's busy. Careful, this title contains explicit language and graphic sex. Length: Novel Buy it here. Read an excerpt here.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Faire Justice by Michelle M. Pillow
Finding herself undercover as a serving wench at a Renaissance Faire, FBI Agent and mild psychic Leda Williams isn’t planning to partake in any role-playing games. She’s there to find a mace-wielding serial killer, which isn’t easy with everyone around her pretending to be in character. Not only does the entire village fit the Medieval-obsessed profile, but she’s already been propositioned by a few of the knights. Clearly, sexual harassment wasn’t around in the Middle Ages. But, when she sees the delectably gorgeous, magically seductive tournament champion, Sir Calum, Leda realizes there might be one knight she wouldn’t mind getting into character for. READ MORE/BUY EBOOK NOW.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Today I have a the wonderful Harlequin Blaze romance author Tawny Weber as an author guest blogger here on the blog. I was lucky enough to have Tawny get in touch with me for an author interview, author guest blog and two book reviews for her April 2009 and May 2009 Harlequin Blaze releases. The first guest blog for her April 2009 release, Coming on Strong, is today and the second guest blog for her May 2009 release, Going Down Hard, will be posted at the end of April. I already interviewed Tawny on the blog and you can read the interview by following this link. I have reviewed Coming on Strong here on the blog and watch out for my review of Going Down Hard in April. Now for Tawny Weber's author guest blog!
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Because the two stories are connected, I still had the whole paparazzi angle still stuck in my head when I developed Going Down Hard. It morphed into a stalker-via-photograph premise in which the heroine, Sierra, is being stalked by some crazy person through photos of her. At first, they are really badly photo-shopped shots of her face pasted into kinky sexual scenes. Later, then get more graphic and scary. When that happens, Sierra has to accept the help of the one man who she can't resist and knows is the absolute worst guy in the world for her because he's the one she's sure can break her heart.


Her satisfaction is guaranteed…

Sierra Donovan is flying high on her company’s rising success. Her bonus? Another sexy one-night-stand with cowboy Reece Carter–also known as the best sex she’s ever had. But when sick blackmail photos start to show up, fiercely self-reliant Sierra suddenly finds herself needing a 24-hour bodyguard. Who better than cowboy turned security specialist Reece Carter? Reece is tall, dark and dangerous…and he’s getting in Sierra’s take-charge way. But, oh god, can he make every single nerve ending on her body sizzle. Sierra soon realizes that coming home to great sex each night has its benefits. That is, as long as her bodyguard can keep her alive long enough to enjoy it… You can find Tawny Weber at her website, blog, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and on her Yahoo! Group.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I loved reading Lisa Lane's erotic romance Lust in Space so I when Lisa contacted me so that I could review her The Darkness & the Night series, which is dark horror erotic romance. I read the blurbs she has on her website and really thought I should give these novels a try because they sounded very intriguing. Karen's odyssey continues as she escapes from the mental hospital, after having accidentally turned another patient into a vampire. She has had it really tough because her supposed love Billy has been killed in the first book in the astral plane and now she is all alone with twins on the way. She immediately finds herself running from a bounty hunter and his donor, sent by the insane commune leader, John-Michael, who has convinced himself that Karen is carrying his heir. That John-Michael is one insane vamp who really needs to get his ass kicked by reality because he knew that Karen was pregnant with Billy's babies before they came to the commune. Karen's life right now is not going as she had planned because now she is alone in a mental institution that knows she's a vampire and want to exploit her.
In the meanwhile, Karen finds herself haunted by Billy's restless spirit, his fluke death on the Astral having trapped him between planes. He visits her in her dreams, unable to accept his death...and slowly, the dreams become nightmares as he decides he doesn't want to let her go. In a strange turn of events, lover becomes captor, foe becomes ally, love begins anew, and Karen survives her biggest challenge yet...childbirth. This book is much more exciting and scarier than the first book because now I have a sense of who is evil and who isn't unlike the first book. I like Karen more in this novel because she has come to accept that she is a vampire and doesn't have to kill a human in order to survive. There were some pretty scary and heartbreaking scenes in this book that I enjoyed reading about because it really helped me understand Karen and even Billy more than I did before. I finished the book much quicker than the first and by the time I read the last sentence in the last chapter I really wanted Lisa Lane's next and conclusion to her The Darkness & the Night series to be published already so I could read it. I give this book 4 Open Books:

Here is the description of the book from Lisa's website and picture: THE DARKNESS & THE NIGHT II: COSMIC ORGASM by Lisa Lane $ 4.99 (Book 2)(197 Pages) Karen's odyssey continues as she escapes from the mental hospital, after having accidentally turned another patient. She immediately finds herself running from a bounty hunter and his donor, sent by the insane commune leader, John-Michael, who has convinced himself that Karen is carrying his heir. In the meanwhile, Karen finds herself haunted by Billy's restless spirit, his fluke death on the Astral having trapped him between planes. He visits her in her dreams, unable to accept his death...and slowly, the dreams become nightmares as he decides he doesn't want to let her go. In a strange turn of events, lover becomes captor, foe becomes ally, love begins anew, and Karen survives her biggest challenge yet: childbirth.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Today is a special day here on Talk About My Favorite Authors because I’ll be hosting day 4 of the Ravenous Romance Ornery Eleven Book Blog Tour. From the title of the blog tour there will be eleven different blog stops and plus two additional stops to introduce the blog tour and to conclude the blog tour starting Saturday, April 18 to Saturday, May 2. Here is the list of all the stops on the RR Ornery Eleven Book Blog Tour: Saturday, April 18—Zhadi's Den—Intro Stop Sunday, April 19—Jennifer's Random Musings—Elle Amery Monday, April 20—Unbound—Lisa Lane Tuesday, April 21—Talk About My Favorite Authors—Angela Cameron Wednesday, April 22—Kissa Starling—Em Lynley Thursday, April 23—The Countess—Jamaica Layne Friday, April 24—PNR Inklings Blog at ParaNormal Romance—Sèphera Girón Saturday, April 25—Wicked Thorn and Roses—Isabel Roman Monday, April 27—Sia's Thoughts On...—Neve Black Wednesday, April 29—Bryn Greenwood—C. Margery Kempe Thursday, April 30—Bookwenches—Savannah Chase Friday, May 1—Neve Black—Inara LaVey Saturday, May 2—Night Owl Romances—Final Stop
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Hi. *waves* I’m Angela Cameron, your lead blogger for the day on the Ravenous Romance Blog Tour. Our question for the day is this: “What do you feel is the most important thing that you can bring to your readers?” Angela Cameron: For me, other than a well-written story, I think that the most important thing that I can bring my readers is fun. Stories are daydreams that we share with our readers, escapes. Personally, I want to escape to a place where there’s action, suspense, romance, and so many other things that are not in the humdrum life of laundry and work. I want to visit another world, be seduced by a hottie, and still have time to catch a bad guy. My readers aren’t much different. So, if they’re spending their hard-earned money on one of my books, I think that they should get their money’s worth. Let’s hear what the other my friends from Ravenous have to say about this, and then I want to know what you think is the most important. Isabel Roman: Solid plot with believable characters and a steamy romantic story. Also, emotional involvement with the characters. I love to make someone feel something—whether it’s hatred toward a villain, sadness for the black moments, or infatuation with the hero, it’s about eliciting a reaction. Neve Black: I want the reader to identify with the character or the situation. Lisa Lane: It is my hope that my readers experience the same magic I feel when writing a passage that has taken on a depth and life of its own. My muses have a fascination with profundity, which can make for some disturbing plot twists, but also some interesting insights. EM Lynley: My main goal is to entertain readers. I want to give people a little something outside of their everyday life to come to that's just pure enjoyment. I like introducing them to a set of characters that they can love and think about, maybe even after they're done reading the book. Jamaica Layne: I want them to be entertained and to have a good time while reading. If I haven't done that, then I haven't done my job. Inara LaVey: Entertainment! And hopefully what good books give me—a pocket of time transported away from reality into another world. C. Margery Kempe: I have a lot of esoteric knowledge that I like to make accessible to a wide audience. I guess it's the teacher in me. Savannah Chase: For me the most important thing would have to be characters they can fall in love with, even relate to. I want my books to take them away if it is only for a few pages. I want readers to be able to care about the characters. Elle Amery: The most important thing that I can bring to my readers is the chance to let go of all their own troubles and enter into another world—a world where difficulties and challenges may exist, but all absolutely will come out well in the end. And when the reader is done with one of my stories, I hope they have a strengthened sense of self and of the belief that good things do happen, the girl does get the prince, the good guy is out there, life can be wonderful. Sèphera Girón: I always say I live to entertain. I want my stories to be read and enjoyed and not take a lot of work to understand what I’m trying to say.

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We've heard from our authors and now want to ask the readers...So—do you agree, or do you think there’s another element that perhaps we’re not thinking of? Leave a comment and let us know what you think!
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Here’s the EXCERPT from the book prize, Blood & Sex, Vol. 1: Michael by me, Angela Cameron. It’s in the beginning of the book and should give you a little taste of what you can expect. Enjoy! Tori stared at him. If there was one vampire that everyone seemed to think remotely resembled an honest person, it was Michael. Of course, all of the vampiro played the power games and did what best suited their interests. Plus, he was the most powerful in the area. He was right; she couldn’t do it without him. She sighed and nodded. “Only if you swear you won’t molest me or some shit.” He chuckled. “Every time we meet, you act as though I can’t resist you. I assure you that I have plenty of female companions.” “That’s not a promise.” He laughed harder, and with a nod, added, “I swear to you, I won’t do anything while you are enthralled that you don’t ask for.” Tori grumbled, “Still not good enough.” She pointed at him. “You could suggest it, or have me begging through bl—your influences.” His smile faded. “You’re beginning to annoy me.” “You’ll get over it.” He placed a hand over his heart, as if that gave the words more validity. “I promise that I will not do anything that you truly do not wish me to do, and I will not bite you. Even when you beg.” She refused to play his game. “Alright. I’ll be by tomorrow to get started.” With one last gulp that drained the margarita, she slid from the chair. “I expect my payment tonight.” “What?” “You have your promise, which puts me immediately in danger. So I expect payment tonight.” “You’re out of your mind.” “Then you have no deal.” Michael stood and walked toward the door that she knew lead to the V.I.P. section of the club that was reserved for vampires. Shit. If she let him bite her and mess with her head, she probably wouldn’t think straight for days. But she needed him. It wasn’t an option. “Michael.” She caught up to him as he moved into the other room. “I’ll give you half. Just a nibble. No mind games.” He turned to her and a slow grin crept across his face. “I thought you might.” He motioned toward a dark booth in the corner. “It will only take a moment.” Tori’s heart beat a little faster and her palms grew moist as she reached the table. “Don’t be afraid.” “I’m not.” “Liar.” Michael slid into the booth and motioned to the seat beside him. She slipped in, but kept a little space between them. “How do I know you’re going to stop?” “You don’t.” “I want a witness.” He gave her a slight nod, then slipped one arm up on the back of her seat. “Jonas will be here in just a moment.” Dammit. Just what she needed: a witness who wanted her blood as much as he did. Before she could argue, Jonas entered the room. He was even more gorgeous than he had been on stage. The man was pure sex on legs and he stalked toward her with a devious grin. “So, you’re ready to admit how much you want me?” Tori rolled her eyes. “Let’s just get this over with.” Jonas slid in beside her. “What am I going to witness?” Michael spoke before she did. “She agreed to let me feed once, but she doesn’t trust me to stop.” He laughed. “Smart woman.” Michael let out a soft growl. Jonas shrugged. “Alright.” Tori angled herself toward Michael and arched her neck. “Go ahead.” “I was going for the arm, but if you insist.” He slid a warm hand behind her neck and pulled her closer. When Tori closed her eyes, she inhaled him in one long breath that made her mind feel light and dizzy. He smelled wonderful. The scent of him took her back to that light place where her body wanted him naked against her. Somewhere inside her alarms were going off, but she didn’t care. The only thing she cared about was the fact that his other hand was wrapped around her waist, but she wanted it between her legs, massaging the growing throb that made her skin moisten. Her heart thumped and the image of him going down on her filled her mind. She opened her eyes to expel the vision. “I think I don’t—” The pinprick of fangs hit her skin. Then his teeth pushed in with a pop that made her gasp. Her mind focused on the mouth and the feel of Michael’s waist in her hands. She gripped him, feeling the pull of his mouth on her neck, along with the heat from her blood as it moved into him. Time seemed irrelevant as she melted into his grasp. Jonas made a gasping noise that reminded her that he was watching. She felt him scoot closer and could feel his eyes on them. His hand went to her wrist. She knew he was checking her pulse, but it gave her the feeling that he wanted to join them. She heard Jonas say something, but she couldn’t make out the words.
* * * * * *
Sorry to stop you there, but you’ll have to go to Ravenous Romance to get the rest of the book. Unless you win a copy by commenting here, of course! Remember to leave a comment; it automatically enters you to win a copy of Blood & Sex, Vol. 1: Michael (an excerpt is above) by moi. We’ll also be giving away three $5.00 gift certificates for Ravenous on three random stops. You won’t know which ones until the tour is over, so visit as many as you can! And if you leave a comment on every stop in the RR Ornery Eleven BBT, you’re eligible to win a $25 gift certificate from Ravenous Romance! Thanks so much for stopping by and thank you, Phoebe, for hosting us! And also thanks to Phoebe who created the new Ravenous Romance Authors blog and the nice badges for blogs and banners for websites/message boards that you can find the codes for on the blog as well. You can get the codes for both below:
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Please visit Kissa Starling tomorrow, April 22nd, for another question of the day and our featured author Em Lynley!

Monday, April 20, 2009
I have found another amazing new teens series about vampires by Rachel Caine. I went to Rachel Caine's website to find out more about the Morganville Vampires series and found out that there are 5 books in the series with the 6th book coming out in June of this year. I read the sample chapter of the first book in the series, Glass House, since there weren't any blurbs and it seemed it would be a good idea to get a feel for what I was going to read before I buy the series. I was instantly hooked after reading the first chapter of the book even though there were a few grammar errors in the chapter posted on the website. I found out that I can reserve a copy of the books through Barnes and Nobles website at my local BN and I was lucky enough when they e-mailed me that they had all 5 books there and I could pick it up the next day.
Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampire series has really hooked me and has me flipping the pages so fast I almost a couple of paper cuts. Claire is my favorite character but I also love reading about her boyfriend Shane and her friends Eve and Michael. In the college town of Morganville, vampires and humans have coexisted in, a somewhat relatively, bloodless harmony…until the arrival of Bishop, a master vampire who threatens to put the evil back in evil undead and smash the fragile peace that Ameila the founder of Morganville has worked to build. But Bishop isn’t the only threat because there are violent black clouds that promise a storm of devastating proportions to hit Morganville in a matter of hours. As student Claire Danvers and her friends prepare to defend Morganville against the elements—both natural and unnatural—the unexpected happens...Morganville’s vampires begin to vanish one by one. Discovering why leads Claire to one last choice that she really doesn't want to make because it is either swear allegiance to Bishop…or die.
WOW! That is the first word that popped into my head after reading the last sentence in the book and it really describes this book so well in my opinion. This book has really taken the cake I tell you because it has so much suspense, intense action, scary scenes as well as some heated up moments between Claire and Shane. There is so much stuff going on in the book that I really had a hard time butting this book down to even go to the bathroom at times. I think Rachel Caine has really done great in writing this series and she just keeps making them better and better with each new book. Well Claire has really had to make some very tough decisions in this novel because her parents have moved to Morganville in the last book and now that Bishop has taken over the town things are not looking so well for vamps and humans alike. Like I said Claire and Shane's relationship is really heating up and they have finally said that they love each other out loud even though it took such horrible things to happen to really make them see it. I also really think that Eve and Michael's relationship is going to go through some really rough patches since there is the evil Bishop now in control of the town. I can't wait for the next book in the series called Carpe Corpus, which comes out Tuesday, June 2nd and I really want it to be June already because Rachel Caine has left us another cliffhanger ending with a teaser look at the next book. I give this book 4 Open Books:
Here is the description of the book from the back cover and picture: LORD OF MISRULE $ 6.99 (Book 5)(244 Pages)
In the college town of Morganville, vampires and humans have coexisted in (relatively) bloodless harmony…until the arrival of Bishop, a master vampire who threatens to put the evil back in evil undead and smash the fragile peace. But Bishop isn’t the only threat….
Violent black clouds promise a storm of devastating proportions. As student Claire Danvers and her friends prepare to defend Morganville against the elements—both natural and unnatural—the unexpected happens: Morganville’s vampires begin to vanish one by one. Discovering why leads Claire to one last choice: Swear allegiance to Bishop…or die.

Sunday, April 19, 2009
I loved reading Lisa Lane's erotic romance Lust in Space so I when Lisa contacted me so that I could review her The Darkness & the Night series, which is dark horror erotic romance. I read the blurbs she has on her website and really thought I should give these novels a try because they sounded very intriguing. The protaganist of the series, Karen, is a young woman fresh out of grad school, with just one stop left to make before beginning of the rest of her life. Agreeing to meet her family at the old summer home one last time in the hopes of finding some sort of closure to the estrangement between her and her paranoid and delusional father. Karen then suddenly finds herself alone in the large house, in the middle of nowhere, after her family calls to report a travel delay. Now Karen begins to question her own sanity when she falls victim to a vampire attack that night, which reminds her the similar circumstances behind her father’s psychotic break in which his delusions, however, he was the vampire hunter.
The vampire, Billy, returns and informs Karen that his family is using her to settle a score against her father, for killing one of their family members several years ago. Their plan is to present Karen, who is newly turned, to her recently “psychologically rehabilitated” father, and then see which one survives in the end. Karen manages to escape them in one piece, only to embark upon a dark, virtual odyssey. That begins while hitchhiking across the California coast, she searches for what is left of her humanity as well as starting her search for the vampire that turned her, now set on settling a score of her own. During her journey, she finds herself taking refuge in a battered women's shelter, then she is kidnapped by amateur demon hunters, as well as joining a surreal nocturnal commune with her new love vamp Billy and then being confronted with the ethical dilemma of carrying the unborn child of a true monster.
I had a good time reading this novel because it was different from many of the novels that I usually read. I both liked and disliked Karen because even though she is a strong female character there are times that I really thought she could have done things differently if she wanted to. This also goes the same for Billy the vampire who turns Karen because seems like a nice loving guy but then he shows his true colors as a psyhco. There were some very steamy sex scenes between Karen and Billy that I really enjoyed because they have this attraction to one another even though at first Karen hates Billy for turning her. I also felt kind of creeped out when I read some the scary suspense scenes throughout the novel and I should expect that since it is a dark horror erotic novel with vampires. I enjoyed reading the novel though sometimes I wondered who was good and who was evil throughout the novel because sometimes Karen seemed like she was headed towards being evil while somtimes Billy was headed towards actually being good. Towards the end of the novel I was really looking forward to reading the next The Darkness & the Night series to find out what else is in store for Karen and Billy after the way this novel ended. I give this book 3.5 Open Books: Here is the description of the book from Lisa's website and picture: THE DARKNESS & THE NIGHT: BLOOD & COFFEE by Lisa Lane $ 4.99 (Book 1)(225 Pages) Karen is a young woman fresh out of grad school, with just one stop left to make before beginning of the rest of her life. Agreeing to meet her family at the old summer home one last time, hoping to find some sort of closure to the estrangement between her and her paranoid and delusional father, Karen suddenly finds herself alone in the large house, in the middle of nowhere, after her family calls to report a travel delay. Karen begins to question her own sanity when she falls victim to a vampire attack that night, recalling the similar circumstances behind her father’s psychotic break: in his delusions, however, he was the vampire hunter. The vampire returns and informs Karen that his family is using her to settle a score against her father, for killing one of their family members several years ago. The plan: present Karen, newly turned, to her recently “psychologically rehabilitated” father, and then see which one survives. Karen manages to escape in one piece, only to embark upon a dark, virtual odyssey. Hitchhiking across the California coast, she searches for what is left of her humanity while she searches for the vampire that turned her, now set on settling a score of her own. During her journey, she finds herself taking refuge in a battered women's shelter, kidnapped by amateur demon hunters, joining a surreal nocturnal commune, and being confronted with the ethical dilemma of carrying the unborn child of a true monster....

Saturday, April 18, 2009
I have found another amazing new teens series about vampires by Rachel Caine. I went to Rachel Caine's website to find out more about the Morganville Vampires series and found out that there are 5 books in the series with the 6th book coming out in June of this year. I read the sample chapter of the first book in the series, Glass House, since there weren't any blurbs and it seemed it would be a good idea to get a feel for what I was going to read before I buy the series. I was instantly hooked after reading the first chapter of the book even though there were a few grammar errors in the chapter posted on the website. I found out that I can reserve a copy of the books through Barnes and Nobles website at my local BN and I was lucky enough when they e-mailed me that they had all 5 books there and I could pick it up the next day.
When I read the blurb on the back of the book that quote that I have written below really had me laughing. “FORGET WHAT HAPPENS TO THE KID WITH THE SCAR AND GLASSES: I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IN MORGANVILLE.” —THE ETERNAL NIGHT. I can really agree with that quote because I have totally come to love this series more that the Harry Potter books. I have so enjoyed reading the first three books in this wonderfully entertaining series and now we get more into the lives of Claire and her friends. Now in the college town of Morganville, vampires and humans have learned to live in relative peace but still, students like Claire Danvers know that after dark, studying can take a back-seat to staying alive. But the tenuous good-neighbor policy is really turned on its head with the arrival of Mr. Bishop the bad to the bone and ancient old-school vampire cares nothing about harmony. So staying at the top of the food chain is enough trouble for Claire and her friends, Shane, Michael and Eve. What he wants from the town’s living and dead is unthinkably sinister and it’s only at a formal ball attended by vampires and their human dates that Claire realizes Bishop’s plan—and the elaborately evil trap he’s set for the warm-blooded souls of Morganville.
Claire is a 16-year-old genius who has gotten into college early and since the first book she has really grown up fast because living in Morganville she had to grow up or not survive to live another day. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in Claire's place even though it is fiction. I think that Claire is one brave young woman who is going through so much just because her parents thought that she was too young to go away to college. But I don't think Claire regrets coming to Morganville because she has met her best friend Eve and Michael along with her boyfriend Shane. I see that Shane is a young man who has a lot of issues that may really come in between his intensifying new relationship with Claire and I hope to see that it will end happily for both of them. I also really enjoyed that Michael and Eve's relationship is still standing though there is a couple of issues that are really coming between them more in this book. This book has really kicked up a notch the Morganville Vampires series because the new bad guy Mr. Bishop is TOTALLY EVIL! I really couldn't not believe that Rachel Caine ending with another cliffhanger that would have had me pulling my hair out if I didn't already have the next book in the series to devour next. I give this book 4 Open Books:
Here is the description of the book from the back cover and picture: FEAST OF FOOLS $ 6.99 (Book 4)(242 Pages)
In the college town of Morganville, vampires and humans have learned to live in relative peace. Still, students like Claire Danvers know that after dark, studying can take a back-seat to staying alive. But the tenuous good-neighbor policy is really turned on its head with the arrival of Mr. Bishop. Bad to the bone, the ancient old-school vampire cares nothing about harmony. Staying at the top of the food chain is enough. What he wants from the town’s living and dead is unthinkably sinister. It’s only at a formal ball attended by vampires and their human dates that Claire realizes Bishop’s plan—and the elaborately evil trap he’s set for the warm-blooded souls of Morganville….

Friday, April 17, 2009
Well this is my second male/male book and again Keta Diablo is the woman I have gone to in order to get more into this new genre for me since I loved her novel Crossroads. Well this novel starts on Valentine's day and the main character is named Valentine Giovanni. Since his breakup with his boyfriend, Valentine Giovanni, a month ago, Deke’s life seemed meaningless. The moment Val found out he’d cheated on him, the shit hit the fan...and Deke’s shoes hit the pavement because Val couldn't believe that Deke would cheat on him. He didn’t have time to explain the why of it because Val wouldn’t believe him, and even Deke didn’t fully comprehend why he cheated since he loved him. He told himself that Val deserved better than him because he needed a submissive who completely trusted him and was commited wholly to his rough sex and demands. So rather than Deke talking over his fears and insecurities, he forced a breakup by admitting he’d cheated on Val though it was a painful scene, an angry, gut-wrenching, debacle that ended in a screaming rage.
Deke thought he’d feel relief when it was over, but every day was more depressing than the last, and all he felt was an emptiness that could only be filled by trying to make things right with Val. He’d never loved anyone like he loved his former dom. which he realized that now and tonight, he planned to prove his love to Val. Reading this short story was very entertaining because it was way more steamy than I thought it would be and that just made reading it so much more fun. I felt that it was a way to short but it was satisfying nonetheless but if it were a bit longer I think it would have made it so much more better. I liked the characters even though I didn't get to know them better in such a short story but the steamy sex scene made up for that because it was very HOT. I give this book 4 Open Books:
Here is the description from Keta Diablo's website and picture:
VALENTINE'S VINDICATION by Keta Diablo $ 1.99 (19 Pages)
The dreaded day had arrived. And this year, February 14th had a dual meaning. Not only was it Valentine’s Day, but it was also Valentine’s day. Since his breakup with his boyfriend, Valentine Giovanni, a month ago, Deke’s life seemed meaningless. What had he expected? The moment Val found out he’d cheated on him, the shit hit the fan...and Deke’s shoes hit the pavement. He didn’t have time to explain the why of it. Val wouldn’t believe him, and even Deke didn’t fully comprehend why he did it. He told himself Val deserved better, a submissive who completely trusted him, who’d commit wholly to his rough sex and demands. So rather than talk over his fears and insecurities, Deke forced a breakup by admitting he’d cheated. It was a painful scene, an angry, gut-wrenching, debacle that ended in a screaming rage. Deke thought he’d feel relief when it was over, but every day was more dismal than the last, and all he felt was emptiness. He’d never loved anyone like he loved his former dom. He realized that now. And tonight, he planned to prove his love to Val.

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Love to read romance novels of all types of genres and review them for fun. 🥰


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